
Firefly Christian Summer Camp job openings
We are looking for a director and assistant director for our Firefly Camp this Summer! If you are interested, please see our employment page.

JAMtastic PJ Class for Adults
By popular demand, we’re putting on this basic sewing class adults. Dates are Saturday, Feb. 8 & Feb. 22, at 1pm. Sign up today at

Super Bowl Gatherings
We’re having a chili cook-off after church on Superbowl Sunday, Feb. 9. All are invited to create their best chili creations for a friendly, but spirited competition.

Sunbeam Christian Preschool
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Feb. 3. For more information and tours, contact Samantha Marley, director, at 732-833-8808, ext. 2, or visit

Stewardship campaign
Don’t forget to submit your pledge commitment to the stewardship campaign. Information is on Or ask at the Welcome table for a paper copy

Mid-week worship service
This is our traditional Healing Waters service, where we focus on prayer and restoration of the body and soul. All are welcome to join us at 6:00pm on Wednesdays! (restarts Jan. 8 after the holidays)

Thrift store startup
We are seeking a coordinator (with volunteer support) to help launch a thrift store. The coordinator would earn a percentage commission from sales. If interested, reach out to Pastor Denise.

Youth groups starting up
Meetups include dinner, devotion, games and a service project. Check out the schedule on the Youth Group page.

Christian Friends Forever (Special Needs Group)
CFF starts Monday, September 9. This is a Christian fellowship for adults and older teens with special needs. If you know anyone who is interested, please invite them, or contact Meredith Markov through the church office. Mentors and volunteers are always welcome!

Calling all techies!
The Sunday morning tech team is looking for volunteers to run sound and video one or two Sundays a month.  If interested, let Ben Meyer or Pastor Denise know.Training included!

Food Pantry
We are in current need of:

  • boxed almond milk, cake frosting, canned fruit, tuna, beef stew, cannellini beans, pasta sauce, corn flakes, pancake mix, pancake syrup, instant coffee, mustard, mayonnaise, pasta, canned corn, canned dog food, vegetable soup, chicken noodle soup
  • Store gift cards in $20 denominations are always appreciated. Thanks for helping your neighbors!

Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month! Open to all 18-30 year olds.

Outreach Food Pantry
We are currently in need of the following items:  Chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, cream of chicken soup, cream of mushroom soup, Spaghetti sauce, Crushed tomatoes, canned tomatoes, beef gravy, chicken gravy, baked beans, coffee, tea, jelly, peanut butter, canned chicken, mashed potatoes, crackers, mac and cheese, mayonnaise, muffin mix, cake mix and frosting and shelf stable milk.  As always gift cards in $20 denominations will be much appreciated.  Thank you for all you do to help your neighbors. 

Sunbeam is now accepting registration for the 2024-2025 school year for children ages 2.5 to 5 years old. Private tours are available upon request, please contact Samantha Marley: [email protected] or (732) 833-8808 ext. 2 for more information. The school offers a unique combination of creative and religious curriculums, uses progressive teaching methods and features a warm and engaging environment where children can learn and grow.


  • Lucy DeBarge leads a 12-week study of Acts, the spread of the Gospel, at noon on Sundays.
  • Eileen Triolo leads a weekly online class at 6:30 pm on Tuesdays.  

Come grab a bit to eat with the guys every Wednesday morning at 8:00a at the Mug Rack.


Do you want to serve in an area that makes a lasting difference on someone’s life and the life of our community? We are looking for people with a heart for service to help with our Sunday School and on Sunday mornings as ushers/greeters during worship.
Also, we are looking for caring people to help with our Grief Share Program, as well as, checking in on some of our members who are not able to get out to church. Email Pastor Denise at  [email protected] if you are interested.

Sundays at 9:00a. and Wednesdays at 7:00p.
If you like to play an instrument, sing, or want to learn more come check us out!

Our current needs include: pasta sauce, crushed tomatoes, canned fruit, instant coffee, mashed potatoes, penne pasta, canned tuna, baked beans, mayonnaise, ketchup, almond milk, Knorr rice sides, chicken noodle soup, Dinty Moore beef stew. A collection box is by the welcome desk in the narthex. Love your neighbors! As always gift cards in $20 denominations will be much appreciated.  

DeBows Food Pantry
By appointment only — call 732-928-4475 in advance.

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