Sundays at 10:30am
Wednesdays at 6:00pm – New!
In-Person Worship
Sundays at 10:30am
Join us Sundays at 10:30am in person! Come as you are, jeans and T-shirts are fine. During the Fall, Winter and Spring, Sunday School is offered during the service for nursery aged children through 8th grade, but kids are always welcome in worship. Coffee and donuts are available before and after the service. Our modern church building is handicap accessible.
Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Starting October 23, 2024 we will restarting our mid-week service. Named “Healing Waters”, this traditional service focuses on prayer and restoration. All are welcome to join!
Online Worship
Our Sunday morning worship service is streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Chat along with us as you watch! You can also replay the entire service at any time during the week.
What to expect
Our 10:30am service is a modern contemporary service with music, prayer, scripture, and a sermon. Lyrics and scripture are displayed on the screens for the congregation to follow along. The music is led by our worship band and includes both contemporary songs and occasionally hymns. Both worship and Sunday School typically last an hour.
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month. Everyone is welcome to participate, Christ’s table is open to all. We also have gluten free wafers instead of bread for those who would like them.
Our church is membership supported. If you are visiting us for the first time or are still new with us, we do not expect you to participate in our offering. For those would would like to give, we encourage online giving, however your offering may be placed in the available plates on Sunday morning. Visit our giving page for more information.
Children of all ages are always welcome in worship, but our nursery is available for parents who wish to step out with their little ones for a minute. Our nursery is located in the room next to the kitchen and provides a place for kids to roam around and play while parents watch the service live.
Prayer Requests
Prater requests can be dropped into the model church out in the lobby/Narthex. You can also pray with our prayer team after worship in the Sanctuary. You can also list your requests and praises on our prayer board at any time.
Want to get involved?
Check out these opportunities to volunteer in worship

Join the worship team!
Sundays before worship at 9:00am, Wednesdays at 7:00pm
If you like to play an instrument, sing, or want to learn, come out and and join us. If you’ve always wanted to sing with the band or play but don’t want to do it on Sunday mornings, come on Wednesday evenings!

Join the tech team!
Sundays at 9:00am or Wednesdays at 7:00pm
If you have a passion for live events, technology, or spreading the word of God, the tech team is for you! No experience necessary, we’ll teach exactly what buttons to press when. You can even help us from home!