Are you interested in confirmation? If so, you and your family are invited to an informational dinner on September 26 at 6pm! Pastor Joe will share information regarding our Confirmation Program for 2021-2022. Confirmation is for all students who are either at least 13 years old (by September 30) or in 8th grade who feel ready to go deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ and willing to confirm their faith through a process of participation, mentoring, learning, and culminating in a commitment through solemn vow to live life as a follower of Jesus Christ.
What is confirmation?
Confirmation is a spiritual and educational process for teenagers (13 years old or 8th grade and older) to guide them in a deeper understanding, experiencing, and practicing of Christian faith. The end result of this program is to help the teens to confirm their faith in Jesus Christ and the main tenets for a follower of Jesus Christ as explained in the Bible. The program takes place every other year and runs from about October until May.
What is the process?
First, you will be expected to attend worship or Sunday School weekly on Sunday morning. Plus, you are expected to participate in several of our youth activities (youth fellowship, mission projects, or bible study) from November-May (this does not mean attendance at every event is mandatory, but you should participate in some things).
Second, you can choose a mentor or one can be assigned to you. This adult member of the church is someone who will pray for and check in with you regularly. Their job is to be your companion on this journey. In addition, your mentor will be able to help with any questions you might have about the Bible and church. If you have a specific person in mind contact Rev. Tiedemann.
Third, you will be expected to read through and take notes with reflections on the New Testament. At the end of each month you will turn in your notes and reflections to Rev. Tiedemann. (If reading isn’t your thing, you may listen to the NIV or TNIV audio of the New Testament.) Click here to (website) or (tablets and phones).
If you have any questions either email me or call me at 732-833-8808 (work) or 848-234-6127 (cell).