Jackson Church family,
This morning, Michael Norton shared a wonderful message that reminded us of the power and sovereignty of God.
Today I am writing to you as part of my role as Staff Parish Relations Committee Chairperson. I want to share two things with you:
First, it is my privilege to remind us that God is in control; our hope is built on His faithfulness; and as Michael reminded us this morning, all things are possible for God.
Second, it is my responsibility to share with you the news that we will receive a new pastor, effective July 1, 2022.
Transition can be difficult, challenging, yet can also be filled with hope for the future. Hope to see how God is working in and through this community of faith. I ask you to be in prayer with our Staff Parish Relations Committee, the Bishop, and the Cabinet as they work towards the appointment of new pastoral leadership for our church. I also want to take this opportunity to thank our current pastor for his faithful leadership in our church.
Bishop Schol has appointed our current pastor, Rev. Joe Tiedemann, to serve as the pastor for St. Paul United Methodist Church in Ocean Grove, NJ.
While saying goodbye is always difficult, we want Pastor Joe to know that he, too, will be in our prayers as he prepares for a new chapter in his ministry.
If you are newer to The United Methodist Church and are curious about this process, please go to our website and you will find links for more information about appointments and pastoral changes.
In Christ’s Service,
Linda Barry, SPRC Chairperson
For more information on itinerancy and pastoral changes:
Why do United Methodist pastors change churches?
2016 Book of Discipline on Appointments
Appointment Practices
Appointment Making Values