Fall 2021 schedule – Register your student – Volunteer to help
There are several ways your 6th-12th grader can get involved in Youth Group. There are four major components:
The Gathering on Sunday Nights (mostly).
The main experience for the teens is on Sunday Nights from 6:00p-7:30p and features dinner, devotional time, games, and messages designed for students in middle school and high school. Each night supported by adult, background-checked volunteer.
Specials – trips, outings, and retreats
While Youth Group creates friendships founded on faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible, these extended-time activities are super fun and help solidify biblical principles and faith in ways that will help the teens grow into adulthood with faith in Christ and tools to navigate the world with faith.
Worship and Sunday School on Sunday mornings
Sunday morning worship is designed to glorify God and inspire you and your family throughout the week. The music and messages are tailored to teens and adults alike. Plus, if worship isn’t your Middle Schoolers thing, we have Sunday School periodically to offer age appropriate biblical teaching. Even better, teens can get involved and serve in worship by playing an instrument, singing, reading, ushering, greeting, or working with the tech/production team.
Confirmation Classes (13 years old or 8th grade and up)
When a student reaches the age of 13 or 8th grade, they are eligible for Confirmation. Confirmation incorporates all of our Youth activities (The Gathering, Specials, Worship, and Sunday School) plus the classes develop a deeper foundation and spiritual development. Ultimately, each student will be given the opportunity to publicly confirm their faith in worship in May.
Additional Online resources to reinforce faith.
Switch Online
We keep the Youth Group experience happening on YouTube and Instagram provided by life.church. We invite students to interact with other students and volunteer leaders in closely-monitored public comment sections.
Switch On Demand
Switch messages and worship music are available anytime on YouTube, on our website, and in the Life.Church app.
We love spending time connecting with your tweens and teens! We always strive to keep our physical and digital spaces safe. Life.church’s online Switch resources are wonderful and safe. Jackson Church has a Safe Sanctuary Policy designed to protect everyone participating in the ministries of the church. For more information, feel free to reach out to Pastor Joe at [email protected].
CLICK HERE for our Fall 2021 schedule.
CLICK HERE to register your tween or teen (registration includes Medical Release, Media Release, and COVID-19 information)
CLICK HERE to sign-up to volunteer (adult activity helper or a driver or to provide dinner)
CLICK HERE for Jackson Church’s Safe Sanctuary policy.