Our service times are: 8:00a Traditional Service – 10:30a Contemporary Service
Sunday School is during the 10:30 service.
All the students and teachers that are participating in the JAM program
Prayers for anyone facing financial issues
The friends and families who mourn the loss of their loved ones
People who are looking for a connection to God and others
Church Conference – Thursday, November 3 at 7:00p
This will be Zoom only conference this year. Rev. Ed Davis will be the presiding elder. Everyone is welcome to attend.
October is World Communion Month
Your donations support racial and ethnic students in achieving their educational goals and transforming communities. Your generosity helps promising young adults to become leaders by providing scholarships, grants, mentoring and training for leadership development.
Envelopes will be available at church, or you can go to http://www.umcgiving.org/givewcs to give online.
ANNUAL COAT DRIVE – Now -Sunday, October 30
Each year in October, Jackson Church Outreach and the Sunbeam Pre-School have a coat drive. We collect gently used coats and jackets.
We need pre-teen, teen and adult (men and women) jackets and coats. The coats will be going to Anchor House Children’s Shelter where they
have children ages 12 -18 and Family Outreach Programs in Trenton and/or Lakewood. Please spread the word and share this information with friends and neighbors. Thank you.
THIS WEEK’S WITH PASTOR: Fear of God Text: Psalm 112
The only thing we should fear is God. This the good kind of fear; the kind that flows from respect and awe.
What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?
What do you think of when you think of “fearing God?”
Is there a difference between a healthy fear and unhealthy one?
What does Psalm 112 tell us about God?
Can we both fear God and love Him?
How can we pray for you?
Our fall classes include Art, Cooking, Science and Intro to Guitar. We are introducing JAM-inars this year which are classes that are held for only
1-2 days. Go to our website to see the list of all the classes and to sign up today. http://jacksonam.org
Check the JAM website to view all the details! jacksonam.org
We will be hosting a Grief Share 13-week program early in the new year. If anyone in need of one of these programs, please email Eileen at [email protected] for more information. These meetings will be held online only.
Call for a tour at 732-833-8808 x.2
We are reintroducing our 2-year-old class with class offerings on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We are still accepting applications for our preschool and pre-kindergarten programs. The school offers a unique combination of creative and religious curriculums, uses progressive teaching methods and features a warm and engaging environment where children can learn and grow.
And a little about our Staff Members…

Rev. Denise Tiedemann has been serving United Methodist Church for over 20 years. She has served as the lead pastor at DeBows UMC, Pleasant Grove UMC in Jackson and FUMC in Farmingdale. Prior to that appointment she was the lead pastor at Centenary UMC in Lambertville and Linvale UMC in Ringoes. Denise, along with her husband Joe, created Jackson Arts Ministry which serves the Jackson area. Denise was instrumental as part of a church plant and a church revitalization effort. Denise loves working with children and has served as the Annual Conference’s Childcare Coordinator. She and her husband Joe have four wonderful children, and she loves being a wife and mom most of all. Her background prior to being a pastor was in theater and music, and she loves giving her best to God and the wonderful churches she’s had the privilege to serve. Her heart for mission has led her to serve with A Future with Hope and the Skainos Project in Belfast. Denise is energized remembering that all of us are created in God’s image and looks to share the life-giving hope of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.
Samantha Marley
Sam is the director of Sunbeam Christian Preschool and co-director of Anchors Away Summer Camp. Before joining Sunbeam Christian Preschool as the director, she was one of our substitute assistant teachers.
Sunday Afternoons at 12:00p – now – January 22
We are reading the book “What does it mean to be Chosen”. If you would like to join, please see Pastor Tiedemann after the service or call the church office to get a copy of the book.
Tuesday nights from 6:30p-8p
BIBLE STUDY – (On Zoom only)
Email Eileen Triolo at [email protected] for the Zoom invite information.
Wednesday nights
Commit with friends and family to read through the entire bible. We will be reading and discussing the reading (online and in person) on Sunday nights starting in the New Year at 7:00p. Sign-up here.
Every Sunday from 10:30a-11:3a for ages Pre-K through 5th grade.
Volunteer to help with Sunday School
Make a difference in the life of a child! God might be calling you to be a teach or assistant, we are always looking for a volunteer. The curriculum is easy to teach and provided. Commit to pray for the children and teachers at Sunday School.
Wednesday morning at 10:00a on Zoom only. For more details call Peggy Pilling at 732-370-2120.
CFF – Christian Friends Forever (Special Needs Ministry)
1st and 2nd Mondays of each month at 7:00pm
YOUTH GROUP (6th -12th grade) 6:00p-7:00p
The TNT Youth Group is meeting again most Sunday nights (and some Saturdays too!). We are planning some fun activities this year- as well as having devotion time to center our hearts on God’s mission for us. Please see Pastor Tiedemann for the schedule and any questions about our group.
Every Wednesday morning at 8:00a at the Mug Rack.
Sundays at 9:15a
If you like to play an instrument, sing, or want to learn more come check us out and speak to the leader, Eric Drew.
Do you want to serve in an area that makes a lasting difference on someone’s life and the life of our community? We are looking for people with a heart for service to help with our Sunday School and on Sunday mornings as ushers/greeters during worship.
Also, we are looking for caring people to help with our Grief Share Program, as well as, checking in on some of our members who are not able to get out to church. Email Pastor Denise at [email protected] if you are interested.
Families in need have increased in the last few months. We are currently in need of the following items: Spaghetti sauce, crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce, beef gravy, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, mashed potatoes, pancake mix, crackers, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and cake frosting.
As always gift cards in $20 denominations will be much appreciated.
DeBows Food Pantry
By appointment only — call 732-928-4475 in advance
Jackson Church Full Events Calendar