What’s Happening
Jackson Day – Sun., October 22, 1pm -7pm
TNT Youth Group – Sun., October 22, 6pm
Coat Drive – Ends October 27th
Fall Church Cleanup – November 4, 1pm
OCC Shoebox Packing Party – November 11. 6:30pm
Grow in your faith

About Jackson Church
Jackson Church is a family-focused church that has served Jackson, NJ and the surrounding communities for over 30 years. We not only worship on Sunday mornings but have many ministries throughout the week. From our Preschool, to bible studies, to our performing arts ministry, to our special needs group, we have ways for you to grow in your Christian faith no matter where you are in your life journey.

Whether you’re with us for the first time or have a favorite parking spot, we’re glad that you could join us.
Jackson Day Update
Rescheduled for October 22nd, 1pm – 7pm. Come by and help greet people at the Jackson Church table!

Coat Drive
We’re collecting new and slightly used coats throughout October to distribute to families who might need them. You can hang them on the rack when you come in for worship.

Operation Christmas Child
We need your help to pack boxes for children all over the world!

Jackson Arts Ministry
Check out our new Fall classes for all ages! We have scarf making, photography, and more,

Help support Jackson Church and make a difference in the community.